The basis of a D/s relationship is the requirement that the s obey. It really is as easy as that....on that Christmas Eve four years ago I made the decision to obey - no matter what.....and it has been absolute bliss ever since. Once you decide to obey nothing can hurt you - you have given all power to your D...and you know that they will do what is best for both of you. Since that day I have never had a single moment where I questioned my absolute obedience to Jan. And that is the truth. Not a moment. You just have to have faith and....jump!!
In those four years Jan has had sex with about fifty men - they have come inside of her probably a thousand times (really, I have't been counting, but that is probably close...) and I have witnessed probably a third of those sexual experiences...So, I have watched dozens of men come inside my wife hundreds of time - and I have never been jealous - before we were D/s I'd get jealous when the bagboy at the grocery store looked at her!!!! Obediance is the answer - you MUST obey.
Everything that happens is part of the lifestyle - part of the experience- part of the journey....from that first moment as a cuckold through today I have decided to obey - no matter what the command. I have read about cuckolds resisting their first sexual experience with a man.....why? Obey. When the time came when Jan wanted me to have sex with her bi lover I did not hesitate.....and I was not disappointed. If Jan wants it - I want it.